Monday, May 12, 2008

Mommy Thoughts

The kids and I had to spend some time on Mother's Day at Costco. It was a zoo. Of course every sample had to be tasted, every piece of furniture needed to be sat on, and every thing had to be poked and prodded. I apologize to whomever got the package of chocolate muffins with the finger print in it.

At least Kyle was having a good time. He was happily singing to himself. Up and down the aisles I could hear him going back and forth between two songs.
And then I really listened. He has a favorite artist right now. MooNiE the Magnif'Cent.
The songs:

"How far down your butt does your tattoo go?
How far down your butt does your tattoo go?
How far down your butt does your tattoo go?
I don't want to see it, I just want to know"

And the ever popular:

"Whatever you eat comes out your butt.
Whatever you eat comes out your butt.
Whatever you eat comes out your butt, unless you throw up."

My quandary; am I a good Mother because my child has enough confidence and self esteem to sing in public or am I a bad mother because of his chosen songs which are totally my fault. At least he doesn't know all the words to "Sweaty Man Panties". Maybe I can blame their Auntie. Hmmm.

1 comment:

Deborah Halverson said...

I choose good mother. Confidence outweighs content every time.

This, from a woman who just wrote an entire book about throwing up...
